The history of Parklands Community Centre, Northampton

Parklands Community Centre is set in beautiful open space in Northampton

Parklands Community Centre is set in beautiful open space in Northampton

All About Us

More than 50 years ago a few Parklands residents got together, with the help of the Peterborough Diocese, to start the Community Association.

From the humble beginnings in a mobile on the grounds of Parklands Lower School, to a pre-fabricated building (obtained from an undertakers) on the car park in Devon Way, to the purpose built building on the edge of the Open Space, we have now completed the original vision.

In April 2014 the Association took on a 30 year lease from the Borough Council to self-manage the Centre.

[ARCHIVE PAGES – under construction]
Taster to see what we were doing 30+ years ago click here for Winter 1993


Membership is open to anyone who lives or works in the Parklands area and agrees with the aims, values and visions of the Centre.

Aims of the Centre

To promote the benefit of the inhabitants of Parklands and the surrounding area without distinction of sex or of political, religious or other opinions by associating the local authorities, voluntary organisations and inhabitants in a common effort to provide facilities for recreation and leisure-time.

To establish or to secure the establishment of a Community Centre and to maintain and manage or to co-operate with any local statutory authority in the maintenance and management of such a centre for activities promoted by the Association and its constituent bodies in furtherance of the above objectives. The Association shall be non-party in politics and non-sectarian in religion.

The Committee

    • Keith Hopson – Chairperson
    • Sue Boniface – Secretary
    • Mary Scott
    • Elaine Smith – Treasurer
    • Lorraine Cook
    • Nicola Stephen

The Parklands Community Centre is run and administered by the Parklands Community Association